What is a Meaning of desire:-

The word De-Sire comes from the Latin meaning "of the Father," to mean that it is of Spirit/God/Source that our desire springs forth from and in that there is a sacred aspect of our desires.

→ “a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.”
→ “a strong feeling that you want something”

→ Our desire for things can come from what we want and what we need. While a want is a wish, a need is a         necessity. the need and the want are both shaping the way we keep on living most pleasantly.
If you have Desire/want in life than what 3 things you get:-

 (1) Happiness:-

  • happiness is constantly out of their control and a perpetually moving target that never stands still long enough for them to grasp.
  • Happiness has become so hard to achieve, and even harder to maintain.they search outside themselves for happiness
  • The key point is that if everything you’re searching for remains outside of you,    you’ll  always be chasing and scrambling.

(2) Money:-

  • how much money do you really need to bring about life experiences that will truly fulfill you? And if you want more money,  you understand the key principles and behaviors required to generate.
  • “Feeling like I have something to offer now, rather than feeling constantly as if I’m not ready and need more training.”
  • a powerful exercise to help you get started talking to about money It’s called “Just Start.” 

(3) Freedom:-

  •  Having the freedom to find my ‘true purpose’ or being lit up by the day-to-day at work.
  • We want to “feel” free, yet are scared to muster the courage to do what’s necessary to “become” free.
  •  I’ve seen that it requires making yourself right (not wrong), following your own authentic values and beliefs, and building strong boundaries to protect yourself from what others will tell you is right for you or try to force on you.
  • what we want and believe in, and to go after it with undying passion and commitment.

 If you have not Desire/want in life than what 3 things you get:-

(1) Fear:-

  • you need to be able to discern which fears are worth responding to, and which are just your brain conjuring up the most extreme potential danger to "prepare" you to survive.
  • Highly successful people do not waste their energy being afraid of that which is least likely to occur. 

(2) Distractions:-

  • You check and answer social media many times within the first hour of the day.
  • It's easy to see how quickly distractions can add up. Before you know it, it's the afternoon, you feel exhausted and barely anything to show for it.
  • design specific hours and times to solely focusing on their most crucial tasks, and then prioritize from there.

(3) just talking, not taking action:-

  • The moment when reflecting becomes ruminating is when the intent to act dissolves in place of needlessly replaying certain scenarios or issues through your mind again and again.
  • it's spending a lot of time reviewing their behaviors and interactions, and evaluating how they can improve.
  • Do not waste mental energy just thinking about what went wrong and not actively changing what they need to make the correction.

we need an abundance of self-love, and also support from others who don't want to tell us what to do, but instead, want to help us follow our own, internal value system and beliefs.

 What is your desire in life?
 Ask yourself

Thank you😊


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